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Castello di Oliveto

Comune: Castefiorentino
Località: 0571629722
Sito internet:
Via: di Monteolivo 6


E' una costruzione rettangolare a mattoni con alte mura e quattro torrioni coronati da merlatura, con torrette campanarie e orologio. Fu costruito dalla famiglia fiorentina dei Pucci come casa di campagna nel XV secolo. Vi si accede da un portone che immette in un recinto e da qui in un cortile interno con un loggiato a quattro arcate ed un bel pozzo di raccolta di acqua piovana. All'inteno conserva mobili quattrocenteschi, armi trofei ed una collezione di ritratti eseguiti dal XVI al XVIII secolo.


This castle, a rectangular brick edifice with high walls, four crenellated keeps, bell towers and a clock, was built in the 15th century by the Florentine Pucci family, as their country residence, but also as a fortified villa to guard the huge landed estate the family owned in the area. In the 16th century, the humanist Benedetto Lamprodio was a guest here, and during his stay he composed the ode Ad Olivetam Villam Laurentii Pucci. Access is through a gateway that leads into an enclosure and on into a courtyard with a four-arched loggia and a fine well for the collection of rainwater. The interior still has some of the original 15th-century furniture, weapons, trophies and a collection of portraits painted between the 16th and 18th centuries.

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